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Contact Us


200 W. Jefferson St.

Osceola, IA 50213

Phone: (641) 342-2157

Fax: (641) 342-4913



8:00-12:00 & 1:00-5:00


8:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00

Caution: No attorney-client relationship will be created by use of the Internet for communications with Reynoldson, Van Werden & McCoy, LLP. Please do not send us confidential or time-sensitive messages. Any unsolicited communication will not be treated as confidential. You should have no expectation that your unsolicited communication will create a conflict for the purposes of our representing other clients even as to the matters contained in the unsolicited communication. Finally, an attorney-client relationship will not be established until we have entered into a written engagement agreement.

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